MI-RAMP is committed to providing effective strategies for the development, dissemination and application of mathematical and literary knowledge. Moreover, this will serve as foundation for life-long learning and critical thinking; which promotes an accelerated level of quantitative literacy. Thus, producing literate citizens who are engaged participants of a forward moving society.
MI-RAMP is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization. It was founded December 2019 to develop a new model for educating youth. The program began in Michigan and continues to grow. The long-term approach and strategy targets children ages 4 to 12 to assure they receive the proper fundamentals in reading, math, critical thinking, and citizenship.
In reading, grades Pre-K to 2 learn how to read, when this age group learns how to read; in grades 3-6, they read to learn. If grades Pre-K to 2 do not “learn to read”, learn the alphabet, learn to recognize words, understand simple sentence structure, and build a modest vocabulary, they cannot “read to learn” in grades 3-6.
In math they learn their numbers, counting to 100 or 1000, counting by 5’s, counting by 10’s, learn the number line concept, learn negative versus positive numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, master their multiplication tables, interpret simple graphs and trends in data
They learn to share and be polite, respect for each other and respect for those who are different. They learn critical thinking and to have a questioning attitude.
As of mid-July 2024, the organization has completed eleven cohorts in the MI-RAMP distance- learning program. The date for the twelfth cohort is July 27. See the flyer under Documents for more information. The program focuses on fundamental Math and Reading skills. Parent involvement is key and weekly sessions are led by Teachers-Tutors. The Teachers-Tutors provide guidance and weekly learning targets to the parents who are directly involved in teaching their child in the home environment. MI-RAMP have had the following cohorts:
Cohort (Starting Date) # of Young Scholars
1 (December 21, 2020) 7
2 (April 3, 2021) 12
3 (July 24, 2021) 10
4 (November 20, 2021) 14
5 (April 2, 2022) 18
6 (July 23, 2022) 19
7 (November 18, 2022) 23
8 (April 1, 2023) 29
9 (July 22, 2023) 30
10 (November 18, 2023) 33
11 (April 6, 2024) 41
12 (July 27, 2024) 41
13. (November 16, 2024). 43
Outcomes are measured and reported. MI-RAMP measures each child’s baseline before the 12-week program begins and measures their performance midway and at the end of the program. Below are our student performance measurements:
1. Number of words recognized
2. Number of books read
3. Indications of critical thinking
4. Mastery of math concepts and facts, such as, counting by 1’s and 5’s and 10’s, understanding addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts, etc.; and how and when to use a calculator properly.
Efforts of MI-RAMP are steered by (and modified where need be) a talented, well-educated and dedicated group of 27 men/women from across the United States. The Executive Board consists of 5. See the attached organization chart for more specifics, such as:
Dr. T. Carter Gilmer
Co-CEO, Math (STEM) -
Mr. Glenn Jackson
Co-CEO -
Ms. Pamela (Pam) Parks
Treasurer -
Mr. Spencer Stanfield
Secretary -
Ms. Carmen Malone